Adding a Retractable Undercarriage rating to your licence

Official Differences training is required for aircraft that have a Retractable Undercarriage. This training needs to encompass both theory and practical/flying elements with an instructor.

Flying lesson with a Retractable Undercarriage

An aircraft with a Retractable Undercarriage (RUC) systems has a significant difference in performance in all phases of flight. Mostly, the instruction for the Retractable Undercarriage rating will be given to pilots converting from SEP aeroplanes with fixed landing gear/undercarriage to SEP. In your training we will ensure that all of the system differences and handling techniques, introduced by the new type, are properly covered in the training given.

Differences Training completed, for this section, on an SEP aeroplane, does not provide equivalent qualification on MEP aeroplanes:

The Course will cover, but not be limited to:

  1. Principle and effect on performance;
  2. System construction and function;
  3. Limitations - raising, lowering and extended.
  4. Operation including pre-flight checks and normal handling:
  5. After take-off;
  6. On approach/go-around and landing.
  7. In-flight system failures and emergency lowering.

As well as learning about - Operation of undercarriage during:

    Engine failure after take-off/go-around (Emergency raising - as applicable to type);

    Engine failure during other phases of flight, including approach and landing.

    Effect on glide performance.

We are lucky enough to offer this training in a very well equiped Cessna 177RG. If you'd like to know more about getting your Retractable Undercarriage rating and or your Variable Pitch Proppeller rating, please feel free to contact us and we'd be happy to answer your questions.